Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Goat Attack!

When Tomales artist Jeanette Le Grue settled into her creative zone after two days of painting among the goats, being attacked by the cute little critters was the furthest thing from her mind. But suddenly from the ambling group of milkers, came repeat offender, "Fern", who instigated an all out attack!
At first Le Grue just tried to shoo her and her cohorts away. But after Fern bit down on her pallet and grabbed her easel and started pulling at it, she scooped up the plein air easel and waved its long legs at the aggressive goat, to no avail. After 5-10 minutes, and several desperate attempts to thwart her attacker, Le Grue noticed duct tape wrapped around the tips of the goats horns--obviously put on to cushion the blow, as the result of previous attacks. Le Grue then grabbed up what she could of her gear and retreated over the fence.
Later in the day, after sharing her encounter with the resident shepards in the milking barn, there came a loud banging on the barn wall. Going to see what all the ruckus was--there was Fern--smiling, as goats often do, as if to say, "Remember me?" To which Le Grue answered, "Fern, huh--I'll remember you alright!"

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